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Mouth Breathing  /  Tongue Thrust   /   Oral Ties

What is Myofunctional Therapy?

Orofacial myofunctional therapy is the treatment of the muscles in the face and the mouth as they relate to speech, dentition, chewing & swallowing, and overall mental and physical health.

What is an OMD?

The muscles of the mouth and face are extremely important. Besides for performing tasks such as eating, speaking and breathing, they play an essential role in our growth and development.  When the muscles of the orofacial complex develop atypical patterns over a long period of time, the incorrect muscle adaptations can change the way our face grows and develops and can cause a variety of problems such as crooked teeth, speech concerns, TMJ pain, orthodontic relapse and sleep disordered breathing. We consider these problems to be Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMD.)

Why nasal breathe?


How we breathe shapes the way our face grows:

Where's your tongue?

Pink Beige Retro Feminine Mindfulness In

What can myofunctional therapy help?

  • Open mouth breathing

  • Tongue thrust

  • Clenching or grinding teeth

  • Oral Habits such as thumb sucking and nail biting

  • TMJ disfunction (including popping or clicking)

  • Unclear Speech

  • Crooked teeth

  • Orthodontic relapse

  • Tethered oral tissues (tongue tie)

  • Difficulty swallowing pills

  • Chewing and swallowing

  • Sleep disordered breathing

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Recommended Reading

Websites and Research

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