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"Parents who succeed in feeding their babies feel proud, confident, and on top of the world!"
Anyone else feel like a superhero when you feed your child successfully? 💪😎👊 "Parents who succeed in feeding their babies feel proud,...

MYO MOM: Mouth Breathing
Tell me you're a #myomom without telling me you're a #myomom I guess I'm officially obsessed with orofacial myology and airway...

Children with Speech Sound Errors are at Greater Risk for Reading Difficulty!
Have you ever had a child on your caseload whose speech errors you assumed were purely articulation? You know that child with just that...

"Okay I'm ready to change our lives!"
You've taken the time to research a competent therapist. You have completed all the paperwork and intake questionaires. You rearranged...

Advocating for your child's health can be TOUGH!
1. Trust your gut. As a parent you are the expert on your child. You see the whole picture and understand how their symptoms are...

I get that breathing is important, but why does it matter how I do it?
Because slow, deep, nasal breathing (vs fast, shallow, mouth breathing) does much better things to improve your health! 💪 📣 let's...

Tell me you have allergies without telling me you have allergies 🤣
Allergies can be a barrier to optimal breathing, sleeping, speaking, feeding, and orofacial development! If you blow your nose 500 times...

We need to be screening for AIRWAY ya'll!
...not just that the person can breath but the quality of their breathing! Especially in children who may not present with such extreme...

Wait and See Vs. Watch and Wait?
I'd rather WATCH and wait! (Disclaimer: These examples are not specific to the types of providers used in examples!) Scenario A: A parent...

Try, try, and try again!
Research shows that it can take 8-15 exposures for a child to accept a new food! Research also says that most caregivers give up after...

This Change Your Life!
When our oral and facial muscles rest and function optimally, it allows for better breathing, sleeping, speaking, swallowing, and overall...

"None of us is as smart as all of us"
Taking a collaborative and holistic team approach is the key to successful patient treatment! We offer: speech therapy feeding/swallowing...

Consider all pieces of the puzzle!
Are we using bandaids as quick fixes or are we taking the time to look at the bigger picture to find the root cause of the issue and...

My "go to" Breakfast (and maybe lunch and/or dinner too 🙈)
When in doubt make pancakes! This is one of the only things I make that I know all of my kids will eat at any given time. It's pretty...

Which cup should I buy for my baby??
Try skipping sippy and 360 cups and aim for soft straws and open cups. I know, I know sippy cups happen to be VERY convenient, but here's...

How to set up your speech (articulation) client for success!
👄Rule out barriers! Do a thorough oral exam to make sure there are no underlying issues that will get in the way of success. (OMD,...

Finger Sucking Habit
A Case Study.

Family mealtimes are worth the effort ya'll!
Studies show that children who have family mealtimes at least 3 times per week are 25% more likely to eat healthy foods and 25% less...

Make mealtimes HAPPY again!
As therapists and caregivers it's easy to get caught up in helping our children meet their feeding goals. We're so concerned with helping...
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